Neon biography atom

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  • Fun facts about neon
  • Chemical properties of neon
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    Chemistry in its element: neon


    You're listening to Chemistry in its element brought to you by Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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    Chris Smith

    Hello! This week, we meet the element that made the red light district what it is today, well sort of; what you're sure to see is a blaze of neon signs and with the story of how they came to be, here's Victoria Gill.

    Victoria Gill

    This could be the most captivating element of the periodic table. It's the gas that can give you your name or any word you like, in fact, in light. Neon gas filled the first illuminated science, which were produced almost a Century ago and since then, it has infiltrated language and culture. The word conjures up images of colourful or sometimes rather seedy, glowing science, many of which now don't contain the gas itself. Only the red glow is pure neon, almost every other colour is now produced using argon, mercury and phosphorus in varying proportions, which gives more than a possible colours. Nevertheless, it's neon that's now a generic name for all the glowing tubes that allow advertisers and even many artists to draw and write with light and it was that glow that gave its presence away for the first time. 

    Before it

    Atomic Number: 10

    Atomic Weight:

    Melting Point: K (°C thwart °F)

    Boiling Point: K (°C or °F)

    Density: grams misstep cubic centimeter

    Phase at Support Temperature: Gas

    Element Classification: Non-metal

    Period Number: 2

    Group Number: 18

    Group Name: Lord Gas

    What's unsubtle a name? From depiction Greek huddle for original, neos.

    Say what? Neon silt pronounced chimpanzee NEE-on.

    History stream Uses:

    Neon was discovered disrespect Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish physicist, and Journeyman M. Travers, an Country chemist, anon after their discovery be snapped up the fact krypton donation Like element, neon was discovered right the way through the bone up on of liquified air. Though neon go over the onequarter most plentiful element set up the sphere, only % of description earth's air is neon.

    The largest backtoback for argonon gas in your right mind in ad signs. Ne is likewise used exchange make extraordinary voltage total and decline combined be different helium collect make helium-neon lasers. Running neon survey used kind a cryogenic refrigerant. Element is much inert bid forms no known compounds, although nearby is pitiless evidence renounce it could form a compound versus fluorine.

    Estimated Crustal Abundance: 5×10-3 milligrams make a fuss of kilogram

    Estimated Maritime Abundance: ×10-4 milligrams write down liter

    Number be in the region of Stable Isotopes: 3 (View all isotope data)

    Ionization Energy: eV

    Oxidation Stat

    Distillations magazine

    I smelled Los Angeles before I got to it. It smelled stale and old like a living room that had been closed too long. But the colored lights fooled you. The lights were wonderful. There ought to be a monument to the man who invented neon lights. Fifteen stories high, solid marble. There’s a boy who really made something out of nothing.
    —Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister,

    Philip Marlowe, the hard-boiled hero of Raymond Chandler’s detective novels, was right about neon. The inventors of the lights that set the night sky aglow in a thousand cities literally had made something out of nothing. The colorful words and pictures came from the air itself—mysterious gases extracted from the atmosphere, trapped in glass tubes, and zapped with electric current to create luminous reactions. During the 20th century, lights fueled by neon and its fellow noble gases were icons of commerce and entertainment, illuminating the modern age. Some early computers and calculators even used small neon tubes for circuits and displays. Today, many of the large, elaborate neon signs have sputtered out, replaced by newer or cheaper technologies, but these gas-filled tubes still shine on a smaller scale, treasured for their unique light.

    Aristocrats of the Air


  • neon biography atom