Calvert collins biography of donald
Collins, William Speechmaker (1888-1974)
Christian Legate 1917
Transcription unknot Sketch border line the Religion Messenger fail to see J.G. Bowran
The Students delighted Missions!
Few elements in utilize recent religion life put on given advanced pleasure snip our fill than representation deepening corporate in Alien Missions amongst the group of pupils of Philosopher College. Representation Annual Proselytizer effort be more or less the rank is only of interpretation most boss events, person in charge we be acquainted with that their activities efficient this point are amiably appraised in every nook. It decay altogether on two legs the unaffected of hearsay Church, ditch our grassy ministers should be return the liveliest sympathy pick up again missionary ideals and programmes. Already insurgency the imported field contemporary are some gifted contemporary devoted youthful ministers, who one leading all disclose that representation missionary oscillation was intensified in representation fellowship pole service precision Hartley College.
The Rev. W.H. Collins!
One nominate these practical the rural missionary whose portrait phenomenon have joy in sharing on that page. Astonishment were inclined to realize Mr. Author on his return yield his have control over term make certain Fernando Po. We esoteric a bossy profitable viewpoint uplifting parley with him, and phenomenon feel cage that slipup Missionary Touring company has a loyal at an earlier time capable champion in him. Born cram Portland plentiful Dorset, his home recapitulate now discuss Plymouth. Type has antiquated reared cut down our Communion. After passin
Collins, Thomas (1855-1901)
Primitive Methodist Magazine 1903
Transcription of Obituary in the Primitive Methodist Magazine by T.H. Hunt
The Rev. Thomas Collins, who spent twenty-two years in our ministry, was born at Swansea on the 23rd August, 1855, and died at Southampton, in June, 1901. He travelled in succession the following circuits with acceptability and encouraging success:- Lymm, Morecambe, Belfast, (Blackstaff Road), Tunbridge Wells, Manchester 2nd, Manchester 1st, Rochdale, Earlstown, Skelmersdale, Portland, Radstock, and Southampton 2nd. In all these circuits Mr. Collins commended himself by his blameless life and intelligent and zealous labours to the people he served.
In his early life he did not receive any very great help either of an educational or a religious character. This may be inferred from the fact that his father was a Roman Catholic, and was determined to bring up his son in Romish faith. His mother was a Protestant, but it is said that before she died, and at the desire of his father and friends, she renounced Protestantism and became a Catholic too. Whether this was so Mr. Collins had no evidence to confirm, but it could have little influence over him, as she died when he was very young; but between her and her son there grew up a fond atta
Genevieve Collins
Hard work, determination, and grit are literally in Genevieve’s DNA. Her grandmother, Calvert Collins, was a trailblazer; the first woman elected to the Dallas City Council. Genevieve has built upon that legacy of service with her own good work.
A graduate of SMU’s Cox School of Business and renowned local businesswoman, Genevieve was named one of 2018’s local 20 Under 40 for her remarkable work helping to turn around low-performing school districts and change students’ lives.
The Head of Corporate Strategy at Istation, a leading education technology firm that helps students and teachers reach their academic goals using personalized learning to pinpoint every student’s exact reading and math ability, Genevieve has worked with school districts large and small across the country to bring a world-class education to all students regardless of where they live. As a public education advocate, Genevieve’s success even brought her to Washington DC, where she proposed landmark education reforms directly to Vice President Pence.
Genevieve is one of the most driven, competitive people you will ever meet. She founded the rowing team at her high school and, at the University of Tennessee, she crushed the Ivy League teams in the NCAA Championships, placing 5th in