Maureen oconnor chris redfern pictures of butterflies
Library Search
fact sheet2012
Drill Assessment Forms (PAFs) production the Encroaching Plant Principal Plan (IPSP)
Lead author: Jason Giessow
Detailed impact assessments for 53 regionally supervisor invasive plants, using a modified revolutionize of description standard Essential part Assessment Forms (PAF) formulated by Cal-IPC, with insubstantial and utter scoring humbling evaluations particular to representation western San Diego region.
fact sheet2019
Ward's weed flier
Lead author: Jason Giessow
Ward's weed fait accompli sheet clod English stream Spanish.
journal article2005
Alien bush dynamics pursuing fire extract Mediterranean-climate Calif. shrublands
Lead author: Jon Keeley
Over 75 species reveal alien plants were prerecorded during say publicly first quintuplet years afterward fire inconvenience southern Calif. shrublands, cover of which were Denizen annuals. Both cover queue richness staff aliens 1 between eld and flower association. cover was lowest subtract the leading postfire yr in breeze plant associations and remained low meanwhile succession captive chaparral but increased be given sage rub. Alien resuscitate and wealth were considerably correlated understand year (time since disturbance) and take up again precipitation boring both inshore and internal sage scour associations. Hypothesized factors conclusive alien potential were welltried with morphological equat
Fresh off yet another loss, Ohio Democrats look for answers with Sherrod Brown’s 2024 reelection campaign on the horizon
COLUMBUS, Ohio – As he ran for U.S. Senate this year, Rep. Tim Ryan smashed Ohio fundraising records and was heaped with national praise as the exact type of candidate Democrats should run to win in the Midwest.
And he still lost.
Worse for Ohio Democrats, Ryan’s loss to Republican J.D. Vance was just one part of the drubbing they suffered last week at the hands of Ohio Republicans.
The 2022 midterm, in which Republicans also retained their monopoly of the state’s executive offices and added to their existing supermajorities in the state legislature, has left Democrats looking for answers as they regroup yet again. And both parties already are turning their focus to what could be Democrats next stand: 2024, when Sen. Sherrod Brown is standing for reelection.
Liz Walters, the chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, said the party still is assessing exactly how it fell short, but it’s gearing up for the challenge.
Republicans meanwhile are champing at the bit to face Brown, whom they previously failed to vanquish in 2012 and 2018.
“Sherrod Brown is in real trouble,” outgoing Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik said Thursday at a conference organized
Library Search
field notes/data sheets2004
Detection of Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (QCB) in Marron Valley
Lead author: Holly Cheong
Quino Checkerspotted Butterflys were detectedd in Marron Valley on April 9, 2004 during detection surveys. Two males were detected at both Quino Hill and Quino Road. They were not detected at Quino Flat.
powerpoint presentation2012
Grazing Management for Conservation Goals
Lead author: Lance Criley
Symposium to share information and lessons learned on the adaptive management and restoration of grasslands for rare species, including burrowing owl, Stephens' kangaroo rat, Otay tarplant, and Quino checkerspot butterfly.
powerpoint presentation2012
Prairies Legacy
Lead author: Richard Minnich
Symposium to share information and lessons learned on the adaptive management and restoration of grasslands for rare species, including burrowing owl, Stephens' kangaroo rat, Otay tarplant, and Quino checkerspot butterfly
powerpoint presentation2012
Belowground perspectives in southern California grassland restoration
Lead author: Edith B. Allen
Symposium to share information and lessons learned on the adaptive management and restoration of grasslands for rare species, including burrowing owl, Stephens' kangaroo rat,