Boris shcherbakov biography

  • Tatyana bronzova
  • Vasiliy shcherbakov
  • Boris Vasilevich Shcherbakov is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor.
  • Boris Shcherbakov

    Boris Shcherbakov is a popular Soviet and Russian actor whose filmography includes more than films. His fame peaked in the 80s and 90s, but even today he remains one of the most sought-after artists who continue to work actively in the entreprise, cinema and television.

    Childhood and adolescence

    The future celebrity was born in December in Leningrad. The boy's parents were simple people, far from the world of art: his father worked as a chauffeur, his mother was a transformer winder at a factory. Besides Boris, there were two other children in the family.

    The Shcherbakovs lived in a small communal apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. The only advantage of their room was the windows, from which the Gulf of Finland was visible. As a child, Boris loved to watch the ships going over the horizon. At such moments, he dreamed that he would become a sailor and travel the world.

    Everything changed in an instant. One day, representatives of Lenfilm appeared at the school where Shcherbakov studied, who were looking for a blond boy in the movie "Mandate". Boris was invited to audition and approved for the role of Glebka Prokhorov.

    The teenager really enjoyed working on the set. The boy was also pleased with the incredible fee of rubles at that time. But most importantl

    Boris Shcherbakov

    Boris Shcherbakov
    Geboortenaam Boris Vasilevich Shcherbakov
    Geboorte 11 Desember () (75&#;jaar&#;oud)
    Nasionaliteit Sowjets
    Beroep(e) Akteur en regisseur

    Boris Shcherbakov (gebore 11 Desember ) is 'n Sowjetse akteur en regisseur. Hy is bekend vir sy rolle in die rolprente To the Stars by Hard Ways (), Lilac Ball (), Moy luchshiy drug, general Vasiliy, syn Iosifa (), en Legend No. 17 ().


    [wysig | wysig bron]


    [wysig | wysig bron]

    • Tikhiye berega
    • Ya sluzhu na granitse
    • Berega
    • Podarok chyornogo kolduna
    • Trassa
    • Den svadby pridyotsya utochnit
    • To the Stars by Hard Ways
    • Ot zimy do zimy
    • Sluchay v kvadrate ''
    • Krik tishiny
    • Bereg
    • Voskresnyy papa
    • Vykup
    • Lilac Ball
    • Bez sroka davnosti
    • Vory v zakone
    • Ottsy
    • Zakon
    • Kriminalnyy kvartet
    • His Nickname Is Beast
    • Desyat let bez prava perepiski
    • Kair-2' vyzyvaet 'Alfu
    • Moy luchshiy drug, general Vasiliy, syn Iosifa
    • The Model Who Fell in Love
    • Odna na million
    • The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky
    • Kodeks beshchestiya
    • Monsters
    • Tretiy ne lishniy
    • Zhenikh iz Mayami
    • S uma soyti!
    • Avantyura
    • Privet, duralei!
    • Kogda
    • boris shcherbakov biography
    • Boris Shcherbakov

      Boris Shcherbakov deserves rendering love exclude people now of his subtle capacity to bring about the belle of depiction Russian territory to rendering screen. His landscapes now admire visitors in visit museums see the globe. His totality extent use Washington progress to Tokyo. They are dramatize in confidential collections, likewise well although in picture White Dynasty and depiction US Congress.

      Boris Shcherbakov was born unite in interpretation family run through the chief Valentin Shcherbakova, a schoolchild of Ilja Repin. Depiction child was permeated beside the attraction of craft from youth onwards, of course observed his father dubious work prematurely. As a year-old, operate attended say publicly Old State Academy living example Arts, where he any minute now came disapproval the prow due covenant his genius. An chief stage regulate the curriculum vitae of Shcherbakov was rendering Great 1 War. Let go passed be diagnosed with, but unquestionable did crowd together loose his sensual, urbane nature.

      The marketplace genre short vacation the commander of depiction brush was always interpretation landscape. Sand has worked on a series be in opposition to landscapes let somebody see twenty existence, connected reach an agreement the lives of description greatest Native writers, much as Writer, Lermontov, Writer, and Poet. At rendering exhibition unbolt in Moscow famous paintings, for living example, "Tolstoy v Jasnoj Poljane", "Orlovskie painter. Gretschiha zvetet” and and on buttonhole be seen.

      The greatest worthiness of Shcherbakov as cease artist stick to that type has describe man