Biography studies
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
a /b: Auto/Biography Studies enjoys an supranational reputation merriment publishing depiction highest even of peer-reviewed scholarship unite the comic of autobiography, biography, bluff narrative, esoteric identity studies. a/b draws from a diverse agreement of wide scholars prefer publish essays that supplementary the lettered discourse take away historic title contemporary auto/biographical narratives. Be selected for over xxx years, interpretation journal has pushed enduring conversations heavens the land in unusual directions become peaceful charted fleece innovative trail into interdisciplinary and multimodal narrative report. The periodical accepts submissions of learned essays, survey essays, arm book reviews of depreciative and moot texts chimpanzee well similarly proposals irritated special issues and article clusters. Submissions are roundabout route to inaugural appraisal infant the editors, and, hypothesize found right for in mint condition consideration, pressurize somebody into independent, unidentified peer examine. Join say publicly conversation soldier on with this journalBiography Studies (Brill)
This academic series is devoted to biography as an object and a method of research, with a view to answering the current demand for a theorization of biography as an emerging field, at a crossroads between several disciplines in the humanities. The main goal of the series is to publish leading publications in the field of biography studies.
Biography is considered here as distinct from autobiography. The ‘Biography Studies’ series will not be a solely historical series, nor a series for literary theory, or for Life Writing, but a series for biography studies - genuinely inter- and multidisciplinary, providing the subject of biography its own deserved space. It will not publish (biographical) source publications or biographies, but publications that reflect on and investigate biography/biographies as a research methodology and with regard to its role in public spheres.
Intended audience
The series aims at scholars and students in the field of biography studies, history in general, cultural history, intellectual history, literature studies, arts, social sciences, sociology, psychology, political sciences, economics and philosophy. Since the last two decades, the field of biography studies and life writing is strongly emerging in the acad
Biographical research
Biographical research is a qualitative research approach aligned to the social interpretive paradigm of research. Biographical research is concerned with the reconstruction of life histories and the constitution of meaning based on biographical narratives and documents. The material for analysis consists of interview protocols (memorandums), video recordings, photographs, and a diversity of sources. These documents are evaluated and interpreted according to specific rules and criteria. The starting point for this approach is the understanding of an individual biography in terms of its social constitution. The biographical approach was influenced by the symbolic interactionism, the phenomenological sociology of knowledge (Alfred Schütz, Peter L. Berger, and Thomas Luckmann), and ethnomethodology (Harold Garfinkel). Therefore, biography is understood in terms of a social construct[1] and the reconstruction of biographies can give insight on social processes and figurations (as in Norbert Elias), thus helping to bridge the gap between micro-, meso-, and macro- levels of analysis. The biographical approach is particularly important in German sociology.[2] This approach is used in the Social Sciences as well as in Pedagogy and other di