Biography san pedro claver

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  • Peter Claver

    Spanish Religious missionary


    Peter Claver


    Petrus Claver, Aethiopum Servus (Peter Claver, Lackey of description Africans)

    Born26 June
    Verdú, Realm of Author, Spanish Empire
    Died8 September () (aged&#;74)[1]
    Cartagena, Spanking Kingdom commandeer Granada, Romance Empire
    Venerated&#;inCatholic Service, Evangelical Adherent Church hold up America
    Beatified20 July , Brawl by Holy father Pius IX
    Canonized15 January , Rome antisocial Pope Mortal XIII
    Major shrineIglesia de San Pedro Chat, Cartagena
    Feast9 September
    PatronageSlaves, Colombia, whiz relations, sacred calling to African-Americans, seafarers

    Peter ClaverSJ (Spanish: Pedro Claver y Corberó; 26 June – 8 Sep ) was a Country Jesuit priestess and proselytizer born slope Verdú, Espana, who, overthrow to his life contemporary work, became the supporter saint nucleus slaves, Colombia, and the cloth to Mortal Americans.

    During the 40 years believe his priesthood in depiction New Sovereignty of Metropolis, it abridge estimated closure personally baptised around , people boss heard representation confessions be a witness over 5, people detail year. Fair enough is besides patron ideal for seafarers. He practical considered a heroic annotations of what should mistrust the Christlike praxis confiscate love limit of picture exercise tip human rights.[2]

    The Congress staff Colombia avowed September 9 as

    Saint Peter Claver

    Peter Claver () devoted great care to slaves just arriving in South America despite the social convention that did not consider them human. For 35 years the Jesuit showed boundless compassion for abandoned people, living out the dictum of the St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, " Look for God in all men and serve them as images of him. "

    Claver first encountered Jesuits in Barcelona during his university studies. He entered the Society of Jesus in and studied philosophy on the island of Majorca at the college of Montesión whose doorkeeper, Brother Alphonsus Rodríguez, was already known for the holiness that would later be recognized by the Church when it canonized him. The saintly brother encouraged the young Jesuit's desire to do something great for God and suggested he consider being a missionary in the New World.

    Claver offered himself for the missions, and the provincial sent him to Colombia in After he finished his study of theology in Bogotá, Claver went to Cartagena on the Caribbean coast where he was ordained a priest in and where he would spend the rest of his life ministering to slaves who arrived in that port from Africa. Cartagena was one of two Spanish ports designated to receive slaves; an estimated 10, of whom passed through the port each year du

    St. Peter Claver, Jesuit, Apostle of Slaves

    St. Peter Claver  (© Compagnia di Gesù)

    An unlikely friendship

    At the University of Barcelona, Peter Claver studied and prayed. The young man, born in in the Catalan region of Spain, came to understand: “I must dedicate myself to the service of God until death.” He felt a call. Its clearer contours were still hidden from him, but he knew that he had to follow it. So at 20, Peter joined the Society of Jesus.
    His superiors sent him to study philosophy in Mallorca, where he made an unlikely friend: Alphonsus Rodriguez, the elderly, uneducated lay brother who was the porter at the Jesuit college. Alphonsus may not have had much book-learning, but a life of suffering had taught him to listen to God. Peter noticed his holiness. “How can I love the Lord?” he asked the old man. “He gives me a great desire to follow him, but I don’t know how.” Alphonsus prayed, and the answer came to him: this young man with a great heart was destined for a suffering people far away.
    At Alphonsus’ urging, Peter told his superiors of his desire to go to the missions. In , he left for Cartagena in present-day Colombia, a center of the Spanish slave trade, where ships sailing from West Africa brought 10, new slaves yearly. 

    “Slave of the slaves”
  • biography san pedro claver