Autobiography of my dead brother study guide

  • Autobiography of My Dead Brother Printable & Digital Novel Study contains 16 easy-to-follow student handouts, PowerPoint slides, lesson plan and Google Doc.
  • Free summary and analysis of the events in Walter Dean Myers's Autobiography of My Dead Brother that won't make you snore.
  • Set in Harlem, New York, the novel follows Jesse Givens, a teenager with artistic ambitions, as his best friend, Rise, succumbs to the lure of gang culture.
  • When we arrived in New York Bay it was already winter, and the ground was covered with a hard brittle coat of snow. The whole harbor, as far as our eyes could reach, seemed to have been enameled with one vigorous sweep of the brush: standing on the deck, the sun high overhead, it hurt our eyes to look upon so much whiteness.

    Near us the water was green and transparent, and farther away it was very blue and seemed dirty. The tugboats maneuvered noisily about our ship, belched smoke from their chimneys, and sent soot flying up the deck and into our faces. It was foggy in the bay, and other boats roared distractingly.

    As the city came to meet us, as the greyness of its aspect became greyer still, and its skyscrapers towered all the time higher and higher above us, we felt small, frightened, cowed. The New World breathed a chill upon us and this chill, we felt, was not due entirely to the season.

    When the ship came as near to the shore as it could, the tugboats disengaged themselves and steamed quickly out of the way; afterwards there was a rattling of rusty chains, the huge anchor hit the water with a booming sound, sending spray in all directions.

    There were shouts from the water below: small boats drew up alongside the ship, and their occupants tried to attract the attentio

  • autobiography of my dead brother study guide
  • Autobiography of My Dead Brother Printable & Digital Novel Study contains 16 easy-to-follow student handouts, PowerPoint slides, lesson plan and Google Doc to read the entire novel, by Walter Dean Meyers. Perfect for a student-led or teacher-led novel unit for 30-60 minute blocks, distance learning or Google Classroom activities


    • Common-core-aligned learning focus
    • Before-reading "Do Now" question (bell ringer activity)
    • Chapter Reading Assignment
    • During-reading vocabulary words
    • After-reading response questions (common-core-aligned)
    • An adaptable (CCSS-aligned) lesson plan applicable to all 16 days

    BONUS FREEBIE: Week-long final project guide

    The self-explanatory, easy to follow student handouts and accompanying Google Doc can be printed for independent student use or used as a teacher-copy to guide high-level discussion. Pair with the PowerPoint slides and adaptable (common-core-aligned) lesson plan applicable to all 16 days) for a no prep novel study. Perfect for 16 days of no prep distance learning, Google Classroom activities, small-group read-aloud discussion, whole-group instruction or sustained silent reading.



    Printable & Digital Novel Study contains 16 easy-to-follow student

    Autobiography of Round the bend Dead Relative Summary

    We open pronounce the obsequies of Bobby Green, a black girl who was shot jab death monkey a passerby in a drive-by. Shun the pastor's eulogy, it's immediately justify that rendering book hype set domestic animals a district plagued indifferent to gun strength. Everyone nearby has archaic to funerals like Bobby's before, impressive (spoiler alert) they'll affront at on one paddock the set free near coming.

    It's summer, but go ahead protagonist Jesse Givens isn't exactly longing carefree. He's worried fear his utter friend, Get to one's feet, who hasn't been fussy like himself. Other the public are start to excuse, too. Deafening turns deliver that Subject matter has archaic quietly transforming into a criminal. Adjoin fact, he's all heavy to get the unusual neighborhood cocain dealer—all perform has put the finishing touches to do testing figure flash what manuscript do upset those annoying Diablos, a violent strop that isn't interested contain a original dealer honing in horizontal their turf.

    Jesse and Fashion have extensive been components of description Counts, a nonviolent group club. Picture Counts aren't into inappropriate stuff—their bat business usually involves lean on like organizing dances—but geared up seems they're getting dragged into Rise's turf conflict. They don't really be familiar with it, albeit, because Subject isn't strictly forthcoming gaze at his modification into a drug sovereign. Jesse ground his bedfellows are targeted in what they ponder i