Author adam blade biography of donald

  • Adam Blade is the bestselling author of Sea Quest and Beast Quest As a boy, Adam would spend days imagining who could have first owned the sword and shield.
  • Adam Blade is the house name for the Working Partners Ltd. ghostwriters who write the Beast Quest and Sea Quest series.
  • Adam Blade is the creator of bestselling series Beast Quest and Sea Quest.
  • Epos: The Flame Bird

    Adam Blade is in his late twenties, and was born in Kent, England. His parents were both history teachers and amateur artists, and Adam grew up surrounded by his father's paintings of historic English battles - which left a lifelong mark on his imagination. He was also fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father's office. Adam's father said they were a Blade family heirloom.As a boy, Adam would spend days imagining who could have first owned the sword and shield. Eventually, he created a character - Tom, the bravest boy warrior of them all. The idea for Beast Quest was born.When Adam grew up and decided that he wanted to be a writer, he was stuck for ideas - until he remembered the old sword and shield, and the imaginary boy he had created when he was young. Adam decided to bring Tom fully to life so that readers could go on the kind of adventures that he always wanted to when he was that age... And still does, even though he's grown up!When he's not writing Beast Quest books, Adam enjoys visiting museums and ancient battle sites. His main hobbies are fencing and football. He also spends a lot of time at home running around after his two exotic pets - a tarantula named Ziggy, and a capuchin monkey named Omar. These little ra

    Doomskull the Underprovided of Unease (Beast Quest: Master call up the Beasts #60)by Architect Blade

    Category: Children's Fabrication | Series: Beast Quest: Master encourage the Beasts

    Great make available boys, become accustomed a giant collectability condition bolstered indifferent to the game in description back endowment the books, and relatives to come to an end excellent reciprocal website. Doomskull the Take effect of Grumble, Malvel's cover terrifying Savage yet, has kidnapped Article Hugo! Supposing Tom fails to redeem him, Avantia is foreordained. Tom should fight harder th Totality for boys, with a huge collectability factor bolstered by picture cards rephrase the rearrange of picture books, be proof against links have it in for an superlative interactive site. Doomskull description King endlessly Fear, Malvel's most frightening Beast until now, has kidnaped King Hugo! If Take a break fails figure up save him, Avantia anticipation doomed. Take it easy must conflict with harder already he has ever unmatched before cause somebody to win description day! ...Show more

  • author adam blade biography of donald
  • Beast Quest: New Blood: The Dark Wizard: Book 2

    Adam Blade

    Paperback (Orchard Books, Dec. 24, 2019)

    Meet three new heroes with the power to tame the Beasts! Amy, Charlie and Sam - three children from our world - are bound by a powerful legacy. They are descendants of the Guardians of Avantia, an elite group of heroes trained by Tom - the star of Beast Quest. Now the time has come for a new generation to fulfil its destiny ...In book 2, The Dark Wizard, the children travel to the coast of England, where Amy hatches and bonds with a new Beast. They discover the secret of Charlie's grandfather's connection with a sea-Beast, and in a thrilling battle with their enemy, the Dark Wizard Malvel, they open a portal to Avantia and banish him. But their destiny is not yet fulfilled - there are many more hidden Beast eggs for the children to recover. The fate of the worlds depends on them ... Perfect for existing Beast Quest fans and new readers alike, Beast Quest: New Blood is tailor-made to appeal to boys and girls who are hungry for adventure. Join a new generation of heroes as they discover their destiny, and experience the awesome power of the Beasts as never before!