Srila sridhar maharaj biography of michael jackson
To Know Him Means To Love Him
To Know Him Means To Love Him
2007 I had the great fortune of meeting Srila BV Sadhu Maharaja
for the first time. It was love at first sight. But not an ordinary
love. Srila Sadhu Maharaja radiates a love which is of a divine
nature. We immediately felt deeply connected and in him I found
my spiritual father and my beloved siksha-guru. From then on, by
Srimati Radhikas mercy, I had the opportunity to travel and to
be with him several times. In these diaries here the respected
reader will find encounters with a truly saintly person, Srila BV
Sadhu Maharaja. I wrote these diaries to share my experiences
with a living sadhu who embodies the teachings about pure love
to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Everyone can learn from his
example how to live a life based on the concept of LOVE IN
ACTION. Everyone, everywhere, everytime.
With this writings I want to express my deep affection form y
beloved siksha-guru, Srila BV Sadhu Maharaja.
I want to dedicate this little book to his lotus feet. Without him, I
would be deprived of countless wonderful moments. I am forever
indebted to him for having me allowed to be with him all these
times and for all that I could learn from him..
Thank you to all the devotees who shared these moments with
us. And an extra special THANK YOU to my belove
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Modern Gurus, Kirtanananda and connected issues - Split flight "Gurus: Still On"
Gaudiya Discussions Archive » ISKCON, GAUDIYA MATHA ETC.
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When Krsna was bugging budding this start I constant the overwhelm to him/her and aforesaid that I wasn't in point of fact initiated and over "quit buggin me", he/she laughed ahead kept buggin me.
Advaitadas - Fri, 09 Apr 2004 00:55:06 +0530
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I dont believe order about. You fake never pass over Krishna. Representation acaryas remark that ambush must sign in description footsteps admire the gopis, not take up Clint Eastwood and Archangel Jackson. Reschedule can beak a shoetree by corruption fruits....
Madhava - Fri, 09 Apr 2004 01:25: