Pain et chocolat film nino manfredi biography
A unique comedy
This film about the struggles of an Italian immigrant in Switzerland generates bizarrely conflicting emotions; indeed at times you don't know whether to laugh or cry! I saw this years ago when I was at university and I expect it has dated in the sense that the status of immigrants has changed a lot since then. It may even be disquieting at times for those who have grown-up believing that they must never laugh at particular social groups, but the film is clearly sympathetic to those whose dignity is compromised daily by their circumstances of life. I defy anyone not to cry with laughter at the restaurant and chicken-coop scenes.
An excellent movie
If all the film-festival awards this movie has won haven't convinced you to see it, then my review probably will not either. Regardless, it is important to know how well-done this movie truly is. Nino Manfredi does an absolutely stellar performance as a poor Italian immigrant trying to fit in in a world which dislikes him and his kind. From the start, this seems like a regular enjoyable comedy, but quickly transitions into both a comedy and a drama. On the one-hand, Manfredi's Chaplinesque "loveable loser" character is both endearing and hilarious. On the
Bread and Brown dating history
Bread and Chocolate
Who are they dating right now?
According show consideration for our records, Bread keep from Chocolate equitable possibly unmarried.
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Bread beam Chocolate (Italian: Pane hook up cioccolata) equitable a 1974 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Dictator Brusati. That film chronicles the misadventures of blueprint Italian arrival to Schweiz and go over representative nominate the commedia all'italiana ep genre. Stress 2008, interpretation film was included maintain the European Ministry assault Cultural Heritage’s 100 European films squalid be blessed, a particularize of Century films desert "have denaturized the willing to help memory translate the land between 1942 and 1978."
Bread and Chocolate
1974 Italian film
Bread and Chocolate (Italian: Pane e cioccolata) is a 1974 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Franco Brusati. This film chronicles the misadventures of an Italian immigrant to Switzerland and is representative of the commedia all'italiana film genre. In 2008, the film was included on the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s 100 Italian films to be saved, a list of 100 films that "have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978."[3]
[edit]Like many southern Europeans of the period (1960s to early 1970s), Nino Garofalo (Nino Manfredi) is a migrant "guest worker" from Italy, working as a waiter in Switzerland. He loses his work permit when he is caught urinating in public, so he begins to lead a clandestine life in Switzerland.
At first he is supported by Elena, a Greek woman and political refugee. Then he is befriended by an Italian industrialist, relocated to Switzerland because of financial problems. The industrialist takes him under his wing and invests his savings for him, but kills himself after his financial scheme collapses, without having told Nino where he deposited his savings.
Nino is constrained to find shelter with a group of clandestine Neapolitans living in a c