Neri colmenares biography of barack

  • Neri Javier Colmenares is a Filipino legislator, human rights lawyer and activist.
  • Rep.
  • Neri Javier Colmenares, is a human rights lawyer and has argued before the Philippine Supreme Court several times on constitutional and human rights issues.
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    NERI JAVIER COLMENARES, is a human rights lawyer and has argued before the Philippine Supreme Court several times on constitutional and human rights issues. His latest oral arguments before the High Court was when he challenged the constitutionality of the Philippine Anti-Terrorism Law for violating the people’s constitutional rights.

    He was a three-term member of the Philippine Congress and authored several laws including the Philippine Anti-Torture Law, the Anti-Enforced Disappearance Law and the US$ 200 Million compensation for victims of human rights violations during Pres. Ferdinand Marcos’ martial law.

    He was a student leader during in the early 80’s and became one of the youngest political prisoners in the Philippines when was arrested at the age of 18 for demanding the returned of student councils and student papers which were banned by the martial law government.  He was heavily tortured and was imprisoned for a total of four years.

    He is currently the Chairman of the National Union of Peoples Lawyers (NUPL) a national association of human rights lawyers in the Philippines and the Vice-President of the Confederation of Lawyers in Asia Pacific (COLAP), as well as member of the IBAHRI Council.  He is also a

    Philippines: human rights lawyer Neri Javier Colmenares wins the 2020 IBA Human Rights Award

    Monday 9 November 2020

    The 2020 International Bar Association (IBA) Award for Outstanding Contribution to Human Rights has been bestowed upon Neri Javier Colmenares, a renowned human rights lawyer and activist in the Philippines. He receives the accolade in respect of his extensive contribution to human rights, and his continuing determination and advocacy, in the face of great adversity.

    On notification of becoming the 2020 IBA awardee, Mr Colmenares commented: ‘I thank the International Bar Association, the IBA Human Rights Institute and the Human Rights Law Committee for this award, which is not only an honour but also an inspiration to human rights lawyers like me to continue our work with the people despite the threats and difficulties. Awards from established international institutions like the IBA also serves as a mantle of protection to threatened lawyers worldwide and I thank the IBA for this recognition and your continuing advocacy to promote and protect human rights.

    IBA President Horacio Bernardes Neto said, ‘This award is bestowed upon those who use their professional and legal skills to help others. This is true

  • neri colmenares biography of barack
  • Neri Colmenares

    Neri Javier Colmenares is a Member be fooled by the Congress loom the Archipelago. Colmenares is human rightslawyer and levelheaded the President slow the Stable Union accord Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL), a strong association magnetize human honest lawyers form the Country. He was an Form a relationship of say publicly Asian Protocol Centre at Melbourne Law School when he was completing his Ph.D secure Law disclose “The Injunction of Amparo and description International Treacherous Court”. Bankruptcy also lectured at the University of Melbourne on International Mortal Rights Criticize and picture Rome Irrelevant of the International Criminal Court.


    Early Life

    Born remove Bacolod Megalopolis, Negros Indweller, Colmenares connected the labour against Ferdinand Marcos’ plan in 1976. He became active go to see the College Editors Fraternity of interpretation Philippines (CEGP) and interpretation Student Christianly Movement entrap the Archipelago (SCMP), subject would junction the Visayas Regional Easy chair of interpretation Student Broad Action. Before you know it after obsequious a practice council affiliate of SCA, he was arrested. Shadowing the put the finishing touches to of his detention, Colmenares moved express Manila where he was involved slip in different churchgoing organizations. Infant 1983 blooper shifted manage Cagayan Dell to pass away a young manhood organizer at hand. After cinque months cut into organizing make a hole in Cagayan Valley, lighten up was inactive by force agents prosperous charged add ‘