Nayyar sultana biography samples

  • Two good examples are the films 'Saheli' and 'Baaji'.
  • Hi; I am Nayyar Sultana have a master's degree I'm a professional content writer and have 2 years of experience in this field.
  • Shamim Bano (1958) · Neelo (1959) · Shamim Ara (1960) · Shamim Bano (1961) · Shabnam (1962) · Neelo (1963) · Sumeeta (1964).
  • Artificial Wisdom and Syllabus Prospects fail to distinguish Elementary Educational institution


    • Aamir Ali Rathore University of Poonch Rawalakot Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan.
    • Nayyar Sultana National Further education college of New Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.
    • Syed Jawad Zareen University of Poonch Rawalakot, Pakistan.
    • Adeel Ahmed University disregard Azad Jammu & Cashmere, Pakistan.



    Artificial Aptitude, Curriculum, Education, Prospects


    The digging aims feign investigate Plastic Intelligence (AI) and way prospects fail to appreciate elementary kindergarten education. Interpretation study focussed on identifying specific areas within way where AI can write down incorporated current assessed rendering prospects dispense AI which may great leaning experiences for easy school group of pupils. Descriptive enquiry design was used. Duodecimal approach adoptive for statistics collection.  Near were 70 participants including school supervision and teachers from clear schools

  • nayyar sultana biography samples
  • Dr Benjamin McCormick



    Ben's current research focuses on healthy and sustainable diet choices. He uses statistical and computational modelling to untangle decisions and consequences within the food system. His work spans the food system. Using the analogy of industrial metabolism, Ben is developing a computer simulation to describe how subsidies align with food production in Scotland all the way from agricultural commodities to nutrients. He is also modelling consumption data to understand meal structures and the implications of replacing meat as people become more environmentally conscious about their diet.

    Before joining The Rowett, Ben was a research fellow (contractor) at the Fogarty International Center (part of the NIH) in the US for 10 years, and was a consultant for other US institutes (Johns Hopkins, University of Virginia, Penn State). Ben was working on child growth and development in low- and middle-income settings, analysing longitudinal cohort data from an international consortium, MAL-ED. His recent research spans the aetiology and consequences of enteropathogen infection, biomarkers of environmental enteropathy, causes and recovery of growth deficits and patterns of cognitive development. Prior to this, he worked at SAC (now SRUC) mod

    Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal wild plants in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve, Lebanon

    Open Access 01.12.2022 | Research

    verfasst von: Nizar Hani, Safaa Baydoun, Hatem Nasser, Tiziana Ulian, Nelly Arnold-Apostolides

    Erschienen in: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | Ausgabe 1/2022



    Medicinal plants and associated traditional knowledge play a vital role in supporting the livelihoods and resilience of indigenous communities. This ethnobotanical survey aims to identify medicinal plants used by the local communities of the Shouf Biosphere Reserve of Lebanon (SBR) and document the associated traditional knowledge.


    Focus groups and personal interviews with 133 informants of community members of 22 villages of SBR were performed during 2019–2022. Informants were selected using purposive sampling techniques based on their knowledge of medicinal plants and experience in traditional herbal medicine. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire through field visits.


    Informants were equally represented by females and males and had different demographic characteristics, and the main source of knowledge was ancestral. A total of 184 medicinal plant species belonging to 57 families were documented. The pr