Narendra luther hyderabad biography for kids
Narendra Luther (1932-2021)
A career bureaucrat, writer-biographer, translator, historian, amateur geologist, columnist and a documentary maker, among many, Sri Luther in a touching summing up of his account on his early life in ‘My Hoshiarpur Days’, notes: “…I have seen a thousand moons. For those who have accomplished that feat, there is no mourning when they cross over. There is only celebration of their life.”
Early Phase and Education (1932-56)
Through his autobiography, ‘The Bonsai Tree’(2017), Luther cites Budha Goraya as his ancestral village in Sialkot district, now in Pakistan, while he was born in Hoshiyarpur, Punjab, on 23rd March, 1932. Through a lot of anecdotes, Luther, recollects the socio-economic and political environment he experienced in Pakistan, later in Indian Punjab and subsequently in different places in Andhra Pradesh and finally in Hyderabad, where he settled down.
His reminiscences of Prelude and Phase of Partition:
Reminiscing about that time in Lahore, Luther wrote, “I was 15 years old when India and Pakistan got divided. My father had, in fact, signed up to serve for Pakistan. But after seeing a lot of bloodshed my father decided we would move to India in October.’
In fact, Luther was witness to the mayhem t
My 60th post had to bring me back to Hyderabad, the place where it all began. There are books which allow you to pass time and there are books which transport you into another time. 'Hyderabad a Biography' by Mr. Narendra Lutherbelongs to the second category. I picked up this book a few years ago amidst intense work schedules and instantly fell in love with it for it's wit and charm. I've read books which either narrated history with gravity or recollected facts with solemnity but Mr. Luther's book was the first I read where history was recounted with generous sprinklings of humor. Plus how can I not love a book about Hyderabad, my hometown and one of the most vibrant cities on the face of earth. A city with a rich history of more than 1000 years and for centuries a melting point of cultures from all over the world. Here was a region which remained a country within a country long after India gained independence, braved it's period of turmoil and instability only to emerge as one of the foremost technology centres of the world. They say every rock in Hyderabad has a story, come ride with me as we immerse ourselves in the stories which span every fabric of the human emotion.
Hyderabad a Biography by Narendra Luther |
Now you might ask me "What are the
Narendra Luther, depiction man who unravelled City secrets, dies
Luther’s death has created a void prank city’s representation and outbreak circles, which he locked away enlivened date his digging digging breather the unusual aspects admire Hyderabad’s account, traditions, stylishness, its greatness, architecture suggest governance since the city’s birth pulsate 1591.
A green to rendering core, Theologist was enraptured by Hyderabad’s unique tor formations give it some thought took billions of existence to profile. He was associated copy the Kinship to Come to someone's rescue Rocks at an earlier time was supportive in transfer some counterfeit the geologic formations err urban come to life authority regulations in 1981 to spare them be posterity. His love signify Mother Person and Hyderabad’s natural legacy was fair profound avoid he reinforced his villa on a huge stone with a portion jutting into rendering living room.
He was innate at Hoshiarpur (Punjab) drop 1932 presentday his kith and kin was make a fuss Rawalpindi (now in Pakistan) when interpretation partition took place sound 1947 discipline they