Ian mackenzie jeffers biography of williams
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Herman Author was tone down American novelist, short yarn writer, bracket poet time off the Denizen Renaissance calm. Among his best-known crease are Moby-Dick (1851); …
The Grey
John Ottway has found the job at the end of the world, working as a hunter for an oil-camp on the North Slope of Alaska. It's brutal, cold, and isolated, and there's little he needs to do but wait for the day when he has the courage to end his life, as he plans to, some day, "at a time to be determined." But the plane that ferries him and the other camp workers between the Slope and civilization crashes in the tundra, leaving Ottway alone with a handful of terrified survivors to face a punishing landscape, wolves who see them as an invading pack, and, ultimately, the prospect of a death he didn't choose in its most insistent, inexorable form. As he battles to save the lives of those with him, he looks into the darkness of an unforgiving nature and must weigh the abysses in himself and the wrongs he carries against what he leaves behind, and choose whether his own life is worth saving, or not. What critics say about the film THE GREY: "Prepare to be devastated... the equivalent of a wet finger in a hot socket... nerve-frying suspense... one of the most captivating studies of shared peril... explores the dark shadows of the male psyche..." - Rex Reed, New York Observer "...a stripped-down, elemental tale of survival in brutal circumstances, as blunt and effective -
"Honestly, I'd say that's the best way to enter the film, to not have a |
Director, Joe Carnahan |
I must concur with the above, so much so that I went into the cinema with expectations around my ankles and came out tremendously impressed with a bold and assured work and one, it could be argued, that has some real depth to it. If you want to approach this movie with the same low expectations and lack of information as I did, then stop reading now and go and treat yourself. If you want a little more gentle but insistent pushing, then read on.
All I knew about this movie was that Liam Neeson was in it and that the ad campaign was based around his face (no one does despair quite like Neeson and that's not in reference to the loss of his real wife, Nastasha Richardson, in a skiing accident in 2009). I'd seen the trailer and was moderately motivated but the real hook that sat me in front of The Grey was the dreadful selection of other choices at the multiplex. I'd already been woefully disappointed in the over-egged nonsense that w