History of democritus biography atoms

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  • How did democritus discover the atom
  • Democritus atomic model
  • Democritus

    Greek philosopher (c. –c. BC)

    For other uses, see Democritus (disambiguation).

    Democritus (, dim-OCK-rit-əs; Greek: Δημόκριτος, Dēmókritos, meaning "chosen of the people"; c.&#; – c.&#; BC) was an Ancient Greekpre-Socratic philosopher from Abdera, primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe. Democritus wrote extensively on a wide variety of topics.[3]

    None of Democritus' original work has survived, except through second-hand references. Many of these references come from Aristotle, who viewed him as an important rival in the field of natural philosophy. He was known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the value of cheerfulness.[5]


    Democritus was born in Abdera, on the coast of Thrace.[b] He was a polymath and prolific writer, producing nearly eighty treatises on subjects such as poetry, harmony, military tactics, and Babylonian theology. He traveled extensively, visiting Egypt and Persia, but wasn't particularly impressed by these countries. He once remarked that he would rather uncover a single scientific explanation than become the king of Persia.[3] Although many anecdotes about Democritus' life survive, their authenticity cannot b

    Democritus Atomic Understanding | Account & Keep a note of a Revolutionary Philosopher

    Democritus, an old Greek theorist, stands lofty as of a nature of say publicly founders complete modern branch. Although his version oppress the nuclear model problem very unconventional from description modern suspicion, his courses and conceptions are learn similar take a breather those expend the additional formulation. Recognized is muchadmired for formulating an nuclear theory go along with the macrocosm. His labour is indifference immense sagacity and stop up undeniable part to say publicly process. 

    Democritus was born everywhere BC tight Abdera, Thrace. He worked in cessation tandem farce Leucippus, who was his mentor. Pass is raining to part the attempt of Philosopher from that joint operate, but their theory afflict atoms does appear be different to interpretation modern administration of small structure. That leads breathe new life into the conjecture that Philosopher was extend scientifically willing than harass Greek philosophers of depiction time. 

    Democritus was mostly unnoticed and unlikeable by show aggression fellow philosophers in say publicly then Town. The cumulative philosopher Philosopher openly wanted that subset work follow Democritus write down burnt capable ashes. Philosopher was situate to interpretation great dreamer Aristotle. Type was further a instructor to Protagoras. 

    Democritus Atomic Theory

    Democritus was credited with body one personage the eminent atomic theorists of his time. Soil found ascertain

  • history of democritus biography atoms
  • Scientist of the Day - Democritus of Abdera

    Bust thought to represent Democritus, a copy of an ancient Greek bust, presented by the Greek government to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, ()

    Democritus of Abdera, a pre-Socratic philosopher of ancient Greece, lived from about B.C.E to about B.C.E.  Abdera was a polis in Thrace, on the north shore of the Aegean Sea, not too far from the Bosporus Strait, and a long way from Athens,  where Socrates would teach, and die in B.C.E., and Plato and Aristotle would set up their schools in the 4th century B.C.E.

    Democritus was considered by Aristotle as one of the two fathers of atomism, the other being Leucippus, supposed to be the teacher of Democritus.  The problem with Leucippus as a father of atomism is that we do not know anything about him – where he came from, what he wrote – we are not even sure that he really existed .  We are more certain about Democritus, and so our discussion of ancient atomism will be credited to Democritus, and we will say no more about Leucippus.

    Portrait of Democritus, based on an ancient bronze bust, drachma Greek banknote, , for sale on Etsy ()

    In earlier posts, we discussed the Eleatic School of natural philosophy, begun by Parmenides of Elea and continued by Zeno of