Euan mcilwraith biography of barack obama

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    The low pay puzzle

    From April, 2.7 million workers will get one of the biggest pay rises in UK history as the National Living Wage rises to £11.44 an hour. But will they feel better off?It's 25 years since the National Minimum Wage was introduced. During that time it's credited with putting billions of extra pounds in the pockets of low-paid workers. But, despite that, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, two thirds of households living in poverty have at least one adult in work. And, according to the Institute for Fiscal studies, far from cutting the annual benefits bill, the cost of benefits paid to working families has ballooned since 1999 to about 50 billion pounds a year. So what's behind this low pay puzzle? And what can employers, governments and workers do to ensure that work pays? Pauline Mason investigates.Presenter: Pauline Mason Producer: Ravi Naik Editor: Clare Fordham.Contributors: Kate Bell, TUC Assistant General Secretary and former low pay commissioner Damian Grimshaw, Professor of Employment Studies, Kings College London and London & South Forum Co-Lead at the Productivity Institute Patricia Findlay, Distinguished Professor of Work and Employment Relations, University of Strathclyde, and Director of the Scottis

    Cuba fighting COVID-19 and the US blockade / Cuba lucha contra Covid-19 y el bloqueo de Estados Unidos

    To our Cuban comrades, as ever I am humbled by your humanitarian assistance at this time of crisis. Your selfless acts of kindness are a beacon of hope to us all across the world, particularly when you continue to fight against the abhorrent illegal US blockade. I call on the British Government to to urgently request the US Government to cease the illegal blockade with immediate effect. The Cuban people have helped us in our time of need we must do the same. Viva Cuba!

    Paula Barker MP (United Kingdom)

    El bloqueo de USA a Cuba es cruel, inmoral e ilegal y tipifica como genocidio contra todo el pueblo cubano. Mantenerlo en medio de una pandemia,es un crimen contra la humanidad. Condeno a EEUU con todas mis fuerzas y me uno a ustedes para exigir el fin del bloqueo a Cuba.

    Graciela Ramirez Cruz (Argentina)

    The internationalism of the doctors from Cuba who have gone to fight the virus in Italy is inspirational.

    Jeremy Corbyn MP (United Kingdom)

    It's impossible to sum up in a few lines Cuban solidarity misisons abroad since the beginning of the Revolution. Undoubtedly our current actions show the best of ourselves and our moral commitment with humankind. Cuban m
  • euan mcilwraith biography of barack obama
  • 00:00
    1. 06:00

      Strike—Episode 4

      4/6In Feb 1981, description female manpower at depiction Lee Jeans factory bundle Greenock began a sit-in

    1. 11:30

      Strike—Episode 4

      4/6In Feb 1981, description female hands at rendering Lee Jeans factory draw Greenock began a sit-in
