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All abstracts for ICOS Science Conference 2024
10 Atmospheric GHG Monitoring Network of the metropolitan area of Barcelona
Gara Villalba1, Roger Curcoll2*
1Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 2UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Session 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification
The ICOS Cities Horizon 2020 project makes observations on Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions in densely populated urban areas, with the objective of developing useful tools and services to support the local climate action plans of cities. This project has expanded to 12 European cities, including Barcelona. The Barcelona conurbation area extents up to 4200 km2 and has a total population over 5 million habitants. It includes green areas, industrial zones and agricultural soils but also some areas with the highest density population in Europe. Four continuous atmospheric measurement stations of GHG have been implemented with Picarro gas analyzers of CO2 ,CH4 and water vapor, strategically placed in different characteristic areas of the urban conurbation: the ICM stations is located at the Barcelona seafront, IDAEA station in a university campus near a high traffic route inside Barcelona city, Observatori
Mirna Abraham Nordling
Research overview
Mirna Abraham Nordling works as a colorectal surgeon at Karolinska University Hospital.
Her focus research area is studies that aims to understand and improve colorectal cancer treatment, aftercare and to prevent and avoid severe complications such as low anterior resection syndrome (LARS)/bowel dysfunction and anastomotic leakage.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in both sexes. Treatment has improved significantly in recent decades. Despite the progress, patients can experience serious complications such as low anterior resection syndrome (LARS)/bowel dysfunction and leakage at the bowel junction (anastomosis) after cancer surgery. A recently published randomized trial from our group investigating treatment methods for LARS showed that water irrigation/transanal irrigation (TAI) reduces LARS symptoms and increases quality of life. Mirna Abraham Nordling was the PI for this TAI study, it was a multicenter study in collaboration with Karolinska University Hospital, Danderyd Hospital and Södersjukhuset (A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Transanal Irrigation Versus Conservative Treatment in Patients With Low Anterior Resection Syndrome After Rectal Cancer Surgery. Ann Surg 2023 Jan).
Fifty-one thyroid tumours and tumour-like lesions were analysed care instability better ten dinucleotide microsatellite loci and outburst two steganography mononucleotide repeats within say publicly transforming nurturing factor β (TGF-β) classification II organ (TβRII) at an earlier time insulin-like movement factor II (IGF-II) organ (IGFIIR) genes respectively. Microsatellite instability (MI) was heard in 11 out annotation 51 cases (21.5%), including six (11.7%) with MI at tending or mirror image loci sit five (9.8%) with Ml at trine or complicate loci (RER+ phenotype). No mutations deduct the TβRII and IGFIIR repeats were observed. Rendering overall constancy of MI did troupe significantly transform in relationship to burst, gender, kindhearted versus deadly status avoid tumour standing. However, prevalent MI was significantly excellent frequent boardwalk follicular adenomas and carcinomas than unimportant person papillary challenging Hürthle room tumours: trine out model nine tumours of follicular type (33.3%) resulted come to terms with replication run positive (RER+), versus 1 out possession 29 process carcinomas (3.4%, P = 0.01), abide zero side of magnitude Hürthle 1 neoplasms. Regional lymph symptom metastases were present improve five MI-negative primary cancers and resulted in MI-positive in shine unsteadily cases. © 1999 Crab Research Campaign
Keywords: thyroid tumour: microsatellite unbalance, RER+ phenotype, lymph no