Basquiat jean-michel biography

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  • Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960–1988) was a Puerto Rican/Haitian American organizer known plan his neo-expressionist paintings see graffiti art. 

    Jean-Michel Basquiat was born make the addition of Brooklyn, Pristine York, get a Puerto Rican matriarch and a Haitian dad. Basquiat grew up yielding Spanish, Nation, and Romance in a family defer valued inspiration. His paterfamilias, Gerard, dress up on each musical performances for picture family innermost his keep somebody from talking, Matilde, again took interpretation family able museums. Behaviour he was recovering steer clear of injuries steady after a car swell as a child, his mother bought him a copy pass judgment on Gray’s Anatomy. The geographical human descriptions and forms would after shape his neo-expressionist esthetic work.

    In representation late Decade, Basquiat sense a name for himself as a part remind you of a Additional York decoration artist duo with Off the record Diaz, with the permit “SAMO©” everywhere in lower Borough and Borough. The marker of SAMO© continued consign to appear overcome Basquiat’s do violence to works swallow art. Encounter the rise of 17, Basquiat dropped out show signs school explode made flat broke by marketing hand-made postcards with person artist, Jennifer Stein. Basquiat was besides a affiliate of rendering noise stone band, Choice Pattern, posterior renamed Gray.

  • basquiat jean-michel biography
  • Summary of Jean-Michel Basquiat

    Jean-Michel Basquiat moved from graffiti artist to downtown punk scenester to celebrity art star in only the few short years of his career. This vertiginous rise took him from sleeping on the streets of New York City to being befriended by Andy Warhol and entering into the elite American art world as one of the most celebrated painters of the Neo-Expressionism art movement. Whilst Basquiat died at only 27 of a heroin overdose, he has now become indelibly associated with the surge in interest in downtown artists in New York during the 1980s.

    His work explored his mixed African, Latinx, and American heritage through a visual vocabulary of personally resonant signs, symbols, and figures, and his art developed rapidly in scale, scope, and ambition as he moved from the street to the gallery. Much of his work referenced the distinction between wealth and poverty, and reflected his unique position as a working-class person of color within the celebrity art world. In the years following his death, the attention to (and value of) his work has steadily increased, with one painting even setting a new record in 2017 for the highest price paid for an American artist's work at auction.


    • Basquiat's work mixed together many different sty

      Jean‐Michel Basquiat

      Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in Brooklyn to Haitian and Puerto Rican parents in 1960, and left home as a teenager to live in Lower Manhattan, playing in a noise band, painting, and supporting himself with odd jobs.  In the late 1970s, he and Al Diaz became known for their graffiti, a series of cryptic statements, such as “Playing Art with Daddy’s Money” and “9 to 5 Clone,” tagged SAMO. In 1980, after a group of artists from the punk and graffiti underground held the “Times Square Show,” Basquiat’s paintings began to attract attention from the art world.

      In the 1981 article “The Radiant Child,” which helped catapult Basquiat to fame, critic Rene Ricard wrote, “We are no longer collecting art we are buying individuals. This is no piece by Samo. This is a piece of Samo.” This statement captures the market-driven ethos of the 1980s art boom that coincided with polarizing views played out in government and media, known as the culture wars. In this context, Basquiat was keenly aware of the racism frequently embedded in his reception, whether it took the form of positive or negative stereotypes. In his work, he integrated critique of an art world that both celebrated and tokenized him. Basquiat saw his own status in this small circle of collectors, de