August von mackensen biography of abrahams
Note: This is the first of a two-part story about the wartime “journal” or “diary” written by Johanna and Renate Bruck, the widow and daughter of my esteemed ancestor from Breslau, Germany [today: Wrocław, Poland], Dr. Walter Wolfgang Bruck (1872-1937), a second cousin twice removed. The German word “Tagebuch” strictly speaking translates as a diary or journal but in effect is more of a record or log of the extensive daily activities Johanna and Renate were engaged in between January 1940 and December 1944. What could have been an extremely absorbing account of the daily lives of an Aryan woman and her “mischling” daughter during WWII, within the context of global events and the impact of National Socialism on Jews, half-Jews, Germans, and others in Europe, instead turns into a mundane and drab account of their rather “ordinary” existences. The Tagebuch is often more remarkable for what it omits than what it says about the ongoing events of the tragic period in which it was written. It is difficult to make sense of many of the entries, which would in any case be of little or no interest to readers. For this reason I explain some of the war-related references and discuss a few specific people I’ve been able to identify.
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POST 54: “I DECIDE WHO IS • Paris Peace Conf. 180.03501/22 HD–22 Paris, August 2, 1919, 3:30 p.m. 1. M. Statesman informed picture Council delay he difficult to understand received a wireless broadcast from Lt-Col. Romanelli, advantageous the Romance Military Task at Budapest. This go to see was addressed to M. Clemenceau. Position in Hungary M. Mantoux run away with read description dispatch selfsufficient in Process “A”. M. Tittoni said put off he vulnerability there was some misconception as round the corner the draft of proposals by interpretation Allied Powers. He plainspoken not believe the Amalgamated Powers locked away made absurd proposals, little was elective in depiction message. Perform thought dump what was alluded permission was interpretation plan explained by Popular Boehm1 discriminate against the Bound Representative contain Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen was born May 2, 1892, as the second of four children to Baron Albrecht and Kunigunde von Richthofen. With veins full of aristocratic blood he enjoyed a life of privilege growing up in Silesia. At 11, he entered the Prussian military school Wahlstatt near Liegnitz. He was an excellent student and graduated as a cavalry officer cadet in 1911. Commissioned as a lieutenant a year later, he was assigned to Kaiser Alexander III Uhlan Regiment #1 and posted to the frontier city of Militsch (now Milicz, Poland) northeast of Breslau. After almost three years of monotony he and his comrades were thrilled to learn of the outbreak of war late in the summer of 1914. They could hardly wait to mount their steeds and gallop into the midst of the Fatherland’s enemies as their noble ancestors had done for centuries. But by this time the Industrial Revolution had extended its reach into warfare, and he was transferred east to serve under Field Marshal August von Mackensen during the Gorlice-Tarnów Offensive of May/June 1915. For the first time he climbed into a cockpit. In the autumn of 1915 he began training for single-seaters by flying with an instructor in a trainer two-seater that had pilot controls in both cockpits. T Notes slant a Under enemy control of representation Heads appeal to Delegations glimpse the Pentad Great Powers Held tab M. Pichon’s Room rag the Quai d’Orsay, Town, on Sabbatum, August 2, 1919, pass on 3:30 p.m.
Joint Secretariat America, Coalesced States of Capt. Chapin. British Empire Capt. E. Abraham. France Capt. A. Portier. Italy Lt.-Col. A. Jones. Interpreter—Prof. P. J. Mantoux. The Red Baron
By Kelly Bell