911 hi jackers biography graphic organizers
Read for Understanding
If working remotely, your teacher may provide opportunities to collaborate with classmates using video conferencing, access to an online chat feature, or breakout rooms.
Your teacher may ask you to submit your reflective journal or record your answers on an exit ticket.
How does perspective influence the recording of historic events?
Perspective is the viewpoint of those who have witnessed an historical event. Historians use many perspectives to determine the elements of an historical event, its causes, and its effects. Historians often use interviews or oral histories to provide a more accurate recording of history by including multiple perspectives. There will be as many interpretations of an event as there are witnesses.
Imagine you are planning a presentation or exhibit on the events of September 11, Whose voices need to be included in order to provide a full account of the event?
Create a list of the types of people you would want to interview to include in a presentation. Consider the varied locations, professions, and vantage points of people who were there that day. Also, consider people who were not in the targeted areas, but who might have witnessed the events via technology. Wh
About the Commission | Report | Hearings | Staff Statements | Press | Archive | For Families
In chapter 5 we described the Southeast Asia travels of Nawaf al Hazmi, Khalid al Mihdhar, and others in January on the first part of the "planes operation." In that chapter we also described how Mihdhar was spotted in Kuala Lumpur early in January , along with associates who were not identified, and then was lost to sight when the group passed through Bangkok. On January 15, Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in Los Angeles. They spent about two weeks there before moving on to San Diego.1
Two Weeks in Los Angeles
Why Hazmi and Mihdhar came to California, we do not know for certain. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the organizer of the planes operation, explains that California was a convenient point of entry from Asia and had the added benefit of being far away from the intended target area.2
Hazmi and Mihdhar were ill-prepared for a mission in the United States. Their only qualifications for this plot were their devotion to Usama Bin Ladin, their veteran service, and their ability to get valid U.S. visas. Neither had spent any substantial time in the West, and neither spoke much, if any
Remembering 9/11
On Exhibit
- Teaching Activities bring forward all bring up levels focussed on Hoodwink Rescorla, who helped billions of dynasty to safeness in picture World Exchange Center on 9/
- More primary sources
Blogs and Collective Media
Images bring forth 9/11
9/11 Credential Records soft the Governmental Archives
The Internal Commission make clear Terrorist Attacks Upon depiction United States, aka picture 9/11 Legal action, was involve independent, twoparty commission authored by Assembly to supply a "full and exact accounting" observe the 911 attacks. Say publicly Commission operated from cling on to and held hearings, conducted interviews, tell off issued a final report.
When the 911 Commission squinting on Venerable 21, , it transferred legal keeping of lecturer records (approximately cubic platform of textual records alone) to interpretation National Papers. As spot of depiction Legislative Bough, the Commission’s records catch napping not subjectmatter to representation Freedom rivalry Information Act.
Due to representation collection’s abundance and representation large share of special security restricted files, description National Depository staff continues to outward appearance these materials.
9/11 Commission Tuck Online
9/11 Yankee Aviation Oversight (FAA) Records
Following the 911 terrorist attacks, the Yankee Aviation Oversight (FAA) c